
Student Appeals, Complaints & Grievances: A Brief Guide

The purpose of this document is to outline avenues by which students may make appeals or lodge complaints or grievances at InterNapa College. This introductory section provides general overview information and the rest of the document is broken into several sections that address the most common categories of student issues and grievances, although there may well be overlap in particular cases. It is our aim, with this guide, to provide students with general information and specific contact procedures; It is an express INC policy that all students at all times have the right to lodge a complaint or grievance which they deem important without fear of retaliation of any sort or any other adverse consequence as a result of doing so.

The recommended general policy is to first contact the specific individuals or units most directly connected with the issue at hand unless there are good reasons for not doing so such as a desire to maintain anonymity. The Student Handbook generally provides contact information for all the campus units, departments, faculty offices, key personnel, academic advisors etc., from which an individual can usually determine where to go to make a complaint or lodge a grievance. All of the INC entities also have contact information via web pages.

1. Issues wherein the student wishes to remain anonymous with respect to an instructor or staff member or where the student otherwise chooses to avoid directly discussing the problem with that individual.

If, for whatever reason, a student does not want to personally or directly contact an instructor or staff member to discuss a complaint or grievance, the student should begin with the next highest level of responsibility, which would commonly be the department chair (or unit director). The student can request an appointment to meet with the chair or director and/or send a written description of the issue or problem and request that their identity be kept confidential.

2. Issues about academic advising.

Begin with the academic advisor which may be departmental  or with the advising office of your school, college, or program.

3. Issues about grades, exam procedures, excused absences, class policies, etc.

Individual faculty members have primary authority and responsibility in all these areas and are charged with carrying out those responsibilities in a professional manner. Program Coordinators’ offices have the authority and responsibility to deal with changes of grades in special cases such as those which might involve faculty who have left INC or unprofessional faculty conduct in assigning the grade.

4. Issues about faculty performance or faculty behavior

If reasonable and appropriate (see section above about cases which may need to start elsewhere) students should begin with the individual faculty person to discuss and resolve the problem together, if possible. Students may refer to this description of faculty rights and responsibilities. If this direct effort fails, students may then contact the department chair. If a student is unable to resolve the problem at the Chair’s level, he or she may contact the appropriate Rector’s office.

5. Issues about course content, teaching methodology, etc.

Students should first discuss the issue with the individual faculty person to resolve the problem there, if possible. Faculty members have primary authority and responsibility in all these areas. If the student deems it necessary, he or she may then contact the department chair. If unable to resolve the issue with the Chair, the student may proceed to contact the Rector’s office where a written process of complaint or grievance will be employed.

6. Issues about academic probations, suspensions, academic integrity, code of contact etc.

Academic probations, suspensions, etc. are handled through the Rector’s Office.

7. Issues about transcripts, credits, degree classification, class availability, hours, etc.

For general questions of this type, students should contact the Registrar’s Office (Marthelenion main building).

8. Issues regarding discrimination, sexual harassment, civil rights, disabilities, health, etc.

Contact the Office of College Counsellor (Marhtelenion main building).

9. Issues about tuition, fees and other charges, scholarships, financial aid, etc.

Student financial billing is handled by Account’s Office located in Yiorkios Campus.

10. Issues about student internship or employment contact the Office of Student Affairs.